viernes, octubre 04, 2013

Grace Hopper 2013 alucinante!!! primeros dias.

Han sido unos día intensos aquí en Minneapolis, empezando por el Lunes en la noche, donde pudimos tener diferentes recepciones por compañía (yo asistí a la de Microsoft, donde tuvimos a la mismísima Julie Larson-Green).

Hasta hoy, ha sido, como todos los años que he participado, una experiencia que me hace crecer en todo sentido. La conversación con Sheryl Sandberg, Maria Klawe y Telle Whitney, inspiradora. Como siempre, los mensajes de Sheryl y Maria son muy directos, poner los temas sobre la mesa, discutirlos y resolverlos, sin tener miedo a herir a alguien (o meterse en problemas). Esto definitivamente ayuda a dar visibilidad a temas que se dan por sentados y que como han venido evolucionando las cosas, ya no se conversan (aparte de los temas de género, maternidad, acoso sexual, ¡si todo eso!)

Esta conversación sentó la valla alta para el resto de conversaciones que se tuvieron, complementadas con la recepción al final del dia de Latinas in Computing, gentilmente auspiciada por Master Card. Fue un momento de reencuentros, conocer gente, conectarse, y sobre todo hacer planes como grupo para el futuro.

Luego posteo el segundo día y lo que me motiva a seguir viniendo... nos vemos.

martes, octubre 01, 2013

¡Hola Amig@s!
Estoy retomando el arte del bloggear después de años e inspirada porque este será mi 4to Grace Hopper, y estoy tan emocionada como en el primero. Este año como el pasado, vengo con Microsoft, mi nuevo hogar. En años anteriores, participé como estudiante de Carnegie Mellon University y un año más mientras trababaja en Goldman Sachs.

La idea de bloggear en Español es original de Natalia Villanueva-Rosales, una de las Latinas in Computing que este año no nos acompañará, así que decidí hacerlo en su honor, aquí les adjunto el blog que ella escribió para GHC 09'

Hoy iré a la recepción de bienvenida de Microsoft y estaré contándoles como vamos. Para saber un poco más de la conferencia, aquí esta la información:

Nos vemos, cariños

lunes, agosto 17, 2009

Pittsburgh Information Technology Examiner

Hi All,
I am the Pittsburgh Information Technology Examiner for the experts' page

I will be posting articles frequently. Let me know if you want something to be discussed.


jueves, mayo 21, 2009

Superman - Five for fighting

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me

I'm more than a bird:I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see

It may sound absurd:but don't be naive
Even Heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed:but won't you conceed
Even Heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me

Up, up and away:away from me
It's all right:You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy:or anything:

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me

It's not easy to be me.

martes, abril 14, 2009

LART, BOFH's ultimate weapon

Cool, I caught your attention. This is not a new weapon of the last state-of-the-art video game. Let me say something. I belong to a silent, big organization named the BOFH followers. Once you are an initiated sysadmin, you might join us or die (or resistance is futile, Borg’s dixit). That’s the only way to survive the lusers. I love this word: luser (loser + user). Hey, for my former users: If you are reading this, you’re not fitting in the luser category :)

Anyway, if you wanna know who is the Bastard Operator from Hell ( go and google it. Ok, about LART (Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool), it could mean almost everything from remove lusers access to delete their files and tell them that they have more space with the same disk quota (?) Those are the kind if ideas that BOFH gives to their followers. Nice. Personally I enjoy to do it to lamers XD. I think I'm not in a condition to do it again. Too much economy and finance in my mind is killing my skills.

That’s what a night of insomnia do after too-much-Indian-food buffet dinner and some new born birds in a nest outside my window, realizing that spring arrived at 4am. Now I’m writing non-sense things. And you are reading them too. Have a nice week.

miércoles, abril 08, 2009

Cathedral of Learning

When I first decided to come to Pittsburgh I realized that it was a box of surprises. It was the 2008's most livable city in the US, CMU is Andy Warhol's alma mater and from many others. It has a lot of bridges. And it has the 2nd tallest educational building in the world, and the weirdest.

It is the central building University of Pittsburgh, near CMU, and an historical landmark since 1926. It looks gothic and has a lot of rooms on the first two floors, from several nationalities. I found the French and Chinese pretty cool!

Somebody asked me if I’m attending to Hogwarts. The commons actually look like I’m Harry Potter’s Class 09’ .Yeah, I will be a professional witch hahaha. The view from the 33rd floor is amazing if you can get to the top (and look like a UPitt student).

Ok, need to go back to classes. Enjoy the photos ;)

viernes, febrero 06, 2009

The potato is not Irish for god's sake

It was domesticated in Peru 7000 years ago. Spanish explorers brought the potato plant from South America to Spain in the mid-sixteenth century, then the plant was taken to Italy, and other European countries.

"Incan myths relate that the Creator, Viracocha, caused the sun, moon and stars to emerge from Lake Titicaca. He also created agriculture when he sent his two sons to the human realm to study and classify the plants that grew there. They taught the people how to sow crops and how to use them so that they would never lack food"

Remember this next time in front of your frech fries :)
